Words πŸ‘ Matter πŸ‘ Words πŸ‘ Incite πŸ‘

This is more clear than ever today, when we are digesting the horror of the massacre at New Zealand mosques.


The use of a Nazi slogan by the CEO of Volkswagen and his lame apology I find deeply disturbing particularly today when we are digesting the horror of the massacre at New Zealand mosques. The rhetoric coming from Trump yesterday which endorses violence goes beyond being disturbing, it is outright scary and a blatant threat to those who do not support him.  

Words incite; and when we better understand the hate that is out there, the risk of what occurred in Nazi Germany in the early thirties becomes very, very real. Take note the absolutely terrifying statistics, in particular how a large percent of people who think others they hate are not even human!

I made a conscious point a few months ago to stop writing about the political situation in the US because I really have no more to add what other are saying - assuming that it would be pretty self-evident that continuing to walk down the current path would end badly. What I did not predict is the entrenched polarization that has occurred. 

Although this began prior to the current administration, this president’s actions and words are giving people a license to act out on their bigotry and hatred. The time has come as Senator Richard Blumenthal (D – Conn) has just stated again, β€œThe glass is breaking”. 

 Those of us who care about the basic premise of democracy must go beyond being concerned at this point. An immediate shift is required; and the first step is for the Republican party to stop what has become a crisis that will end the same way.

Cohen in his testimony issued the warning that the transfer of power is not going to be easy, which adds credibility to Trump’s not so veiled threats. Even I am shocked at the degree to which this situation has evolved despite what I predicted during the primaries - (something I was mocked for by those who had great confidence in the checks and balances in the US system).